
Lipotrim Weight Management

If you are overweight and are serious about losing weight, the Lipotrim Pharmacy Programme could help you reach your goal, knowing you have a highly trained healthcare professional on hand for information, advice and encouragement.

How does it work?

The programme involves using Lipotrim Total Food Replacement formulas in place of your regular meals and weekly visits to your pharmacy to monitor your progress. Each visit, the pharmacy will measure your weight, carry out a urine test (where possible) to measure ketones to check your compliance and adequacy of your fluid intake and give you the support and encouragement you need to stick to the programme. You will also be using the pharmacy visits to pick up your weekly supply of Lipotrim foods. Once you reach your desired weight or are ready to stop, the pharmacy will help you switch back to eating ordinary food and introduce you to Lipotrim Maintenance products to help you maintain your new weight.

Total Food Replacement

Lipotrim Total Food Replacement products are low in calories but nutritionally complete, so they will keep you healthy, well nourished and comfortable while you lose your excess weight. Lipotrim products are only available to buy from pharmacies participating in the Pharmacy Programme and the weekly cost is generally less than the cost of ordinary food bills. Different sized products are available for men and women. The range comprises:

  • Drinks – vanilla, strawberry or chocolate (vanilla and chocolate flavours can also be prepared as a mousse instead of a drink)
  • Chicken soup
  • Flapjacks – coconut or peanut butter flavours (both varieties contain peanuts)

Is Lipotrim right for me?

To help you decide if Lipotrim is right for you, speak to the pharmacist who will be able to supply you with more information and a video to watch. The pharmacist can also give you a medical screening form to fill out to check that the programme is suitable for you.

How quickly will I lose weight?

If you are serious about losing weight, Lipotrim can help you achieve that, but you will need to follow the programme strictly. When you follow the programme properly you should be able to lose about a stone a month (women) or a stone and a half (men). However, if you do not follow the programme strictly and fail to visit the pharmacy each week, the pharmacist may ask you to withdraw from the programme and try an alternative approach.

How do I get started?

Call, Email or drop in to the pharmacy to find out more about Lipotrim and find out if it is suitable for you.

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